In the 90’s much of my consulting and training work involved integrating new technologies into existing operations and transitioning from legacy to new technologies. One size did not fit all. Each project involved similar best practices but unique applications by business unit.
Social Media has started to develop some best practices however integrating it into your operation requires forethought and proper planning.
Each profession (or business unit) has specific, often subtle differences in application or integration of Social Media for maximum benefit. HR, Compliance, Legal, Communications, Operations, Sales, Marketing, et al. will use Social Media differently to achieve the best results for their organization.
Next week I’m teaching a one day course on Social Media for Sales Professionals. I’ll begin with the basics and then my colleague Carl Herrick will introduce the Sandler Sales Process. When I developed this course I included a discussion on the sales process because of the magnifying effects of Social Media. If you have a poor (or no) sales process, adding Social Media will expose and magnify your weaknesses.
After discussing the sales process we’ll spend the bulk of the course on integrating Social Media into your sales process, generating leads and referrals, and personal branding.
What subtleties have you noticed for your profession in your use of Social Media?