Getting more interaction from your Social Media audience is tricky. I’m not a big fan of “tricks” used to force interaction. I often say, I would rather have 50 genuinely interested advocates than 10,000 empty names.
In areas where Social Media is still young you may have to teach your audience how to interact. It’s ok to occasionally ask your audience to perform an action, “please comment below”, “click like”, “subscribe” etc. Don’t assume your audience knows that these actions are desired and helpful.
The best way to teach your audience what to do is by example. Spend some “Social Capital” and your audience will see you and learn. Comment on blogs and participate in communities, click like, retweet, stumble a page, etc. The more you do it, the more interaction you will eventually get.
How knowledgeable are the people in your area or audience? Social Media participation is growing fast in Baton Rouge, LA but the participants are still learning.