The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award has been a great American institution for many years. Each year Baldrige applicants apply the excellence criteria, undergo examination and some are selected for the award. In my experience, just the process of internally assessing each area of the criteria can make a significant difference in an organization’s performance. Over 50% of today’s applicants are in the Healthcare industry.
The new 2011 – 2012 criteria includes Social Media as part of it’s customer focus excellence. More and more organizations are realizing that when applied properly, Social Media tools can significantly help companies achieve their success goals across all departments. Social Media is much more than marketing and PR.
Changes to Criteria:
Complete Social Media Integration occurs when companies leverage these tools in all aspects of their business.
If you’re in the Baton Rouge area, I’m speaking on the new Baldrige Criteria and Social Media on January 13th, at the Baton Rouge Bluebonnet Public Library, 6-8 PM for the American Society for Quality. You’re invited.
Why Take the Baldrige Journey?
Excellence is a Journey, Not a Destination
Organizations everywhere are looking for ways to effectively and efficiently meet their missions and achieve their visions. Thousands of organizations use the Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence to guide their enterprises, improve performance, and get sustainable results. This proven improvement and innovation framework offers your organization an integrated approach to key management areas:
- Leadership
- Strategic planning
- Customer focus
- Measurement, analysis, and knowledge management
- Workforce focus
- Process management
- Results